Iatrogenic etiology of female sexual dysfunction: prevention and treatment


Iatrogenic etiology of female sexual dysfunction: prevention and treatment
Abstract of the lecture presented at the 13th World Congress on Human Reproduction, Venezia, Italy, March 5-8, 2009
The iatrogenic etiology of Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) is a neglected area in the clinical practice.
Aim of the study
To focus on the potential role of iatrogenic factors as predisposing, precipitating or maintaining co-factors of FSD.
Review of the literature, with focus on iatrogenic FSD, desire disorders, arousal disorders, orgasmic disorders, dyspareunia, vaginismus, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormonotherapy, cancer treatment, pelvic surgery, colporraphy, vulvar laser treatment, cystoscopy, invasive diagnostic manouvers, plus the Author’s clinical experience.

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