How to address the conflict between the endless dream of pregnancy and the limits imposed by the menopause


How to address the conflict between the endless dream of pregnancy and the limits imposed by the menopause
Abstracts of the 13th World Congress on the Menopause, Roma, Italy, June 8-11, 2011, Climacteric, vol. 14, suppl. 1, June 2011, p. 218
The dream of having a child is becoming endless, at least in high income countries. It may become a challenge, a bet, a way of “finding sense in one’s life” for delusional or expressive reasons, or it may be the expression of a loving couple born late in life.
Physicians are requested to counsel women (and men) in the optimal protection of their fertility potential and help them to realize their dreams even after the menopause, within the limits of ethics and responsibility.

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