Dealing with the sexual consequences of breast cancer


Dealing with the sexual consequences of breast cancer
Abstract of the lecture presented at the World Congress of the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) (Geneva), Geneva, Switzerland, August 27-31, 2008
Breast cancer (BC) is increasing, particularly in high income countries. It may variably affect the woman’s health, because of: a) cancer per se; b) the cancer-related treatment(s) and the consequences of a premature iatrogenic menopause (secondary to chemotherapy) and/or of a symptomatic menopause that cannot be treated with traditional Hormonal Therapies; c) the impact on the woman’s sexuality in its different dimensions: sexual identity, sexual function and sexual relationship. This presentation will focus on the biological factors that should be addressed in the daily practice of health care providers, to offer the best quality of life to breast cancer survivors.

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