Female sexual dysfunctions: future of medical therapy


Female sexual dysfunctions: future of medical therapy
in: Abdel-Hamid I.A. (Ed), Advances in sexual medicine: drug discovery issues, Research Signpost, Kerala, India, 2009, p. 403-432
Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is age related, progressive and highly prevalent, affecting up to 20% to 43% of women in the fertile age, and 48% of the older postmenopausal women. Pelvic floor disorders are among the most important and yet neglected medical contributors to womens' sexual dysfunctions.
This chapter will briefly review the pathophysiology of women's sexual function and dysfunction, and focus on clinical use of hormonal (hormone therapy (HT), tibolone, testosterone patches) and non-hormonal agents including those impacting the central nervous system (CNS), such as bupropion, flibanserin, and bremelanotide, in the treatment of FSD. New perspectives on genital treatments: hormonal (vaginal estrogens, vulvar testosterone) and non hormonal (vasoactive drugs, botulin toxin) will be briefly considered.

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