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Graziottin A.
Is there enough evidence for the pharmacologic treatment of FSD?
11th World Congress of the International Society for Sexual and Impotence Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 17-21, 2004, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, V1, S1:23, 2004
Graziottin A.
Women’s Health After WHI – The Patient After WHI
4th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium on "The Science of Desire", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2-4, 2004, Final Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 30
Graziottin A.
Urogenital and Sexual Comorbidities in the Postmenopause
4th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium on "The Science of Desire", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2-4, 2004, Final Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 46
Graziottin A.
Recognizing Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder – Defining the Population
4th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium on "The Science of Desire", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2-4, 2004, Final Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 52
Graziottin A.
Quality of life – Hypoactive sexual desire in menopausal women in Europe
4th Amsterdam Menopause Symposium on "The Science of Desire", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2-4, 2004, Final Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 121
Aversa A. Isidori A.M. Gianfrilli D. Greco E.A. Graziottin A. Zizzo G. Lenzi A. Fabbri A.
Gli uomini con Disfunzione Erettile sono a conoscenza della propria condizione? Risultati di uno studio retrospettivo basato sui dati di un call-center italiano
Atti del XXI Congresso Nazionale delle Sezioni Regionali della Società Italiana di Andrologia (SIA), Trieste, 23-26 settembre 2004, Giornale Italiano di Andrologia, 2004, 11: 158
Graziottin A. Dennerstein L. Lehert P.
European studies of female sexual functioning
Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, Book of Abstracts of the XIV International Congress of ISPOG, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, May 16-19, 2004, Parthenon Publishing, London, V25, S1: 69, 2004
Graziottin A.
Sexual intimacy and the overactive bladder
European Federation of Sexology (EFS) Congress 2004, Brighton, UK, May 12-16 2004, Journal of the British Federation for Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Taylor & Francis, UK, V19, S1: S13, 2004
Graziottin A.
Sexuality after gynaecologic cancers
European Federation of Sexology (EFS) Congress 2004, Brighton, UK, May 12-16 2004, Journal of the British Federation for Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Taylor & Francis, UK, V19, S1: S24, 2004
Graziottin A. Koochaki P.E.
Self-reported sexual complaints of women in four European countries across the lifespan
European Federation of Sexology (EFS) Congress 2004, Brighton, UK, May 12-16 2004, Journal of the British Federation for Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Taylor & Francis, UK, V19, S1: S47, 2004
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