Lectures: International

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Graziottin A.
The pelvic floor syndrome: the biosexological aspects
Second Congress of The European Federation of Sexology, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2-5, 1994
Graziottin A.
Integrated therapy of functional venous leakage
Second Congress of The European Federation of Sexology, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2-5, 1994
Graziottin A.
Transference and countertransference as shown by the cinema: myth and reality about abstinence and pulsional drives
Second Congress of The European Federation of Sexology, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2-5, 1994
Graziottin A.
Sexological semeiotics in gynecology
International Congress of the European Society for Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, Workshop on "Growth and Differentiation in reproductive organs", Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, February 6-12, 1994
Tumiati L. Graziottin A.
Woman's sexual demands during menopause
International Congress of the European Society for Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, Workshop on "Growth and Differentiation in reproductive organs", Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, February 6-12, 1994
Orecchia F. Graziottin A.
Real and symbolic losses in gynecological oncology
International Congress of the European Society for Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, Workshop on "Growth and Differentiation in reproductive organs", Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, February 6-12, 1994
Graziottin A.
Medical Sexology in Urology
Seminar on "Medical Sexology", Graduate Hospital, Department of Urology, University of Pennsylvania, USA, December 1-9, 1993
Graziottin A.
Special aspects and treatment perspectives in Italy
International Workshop on "Nocturnal enuresis - The social attitude to and management of enuresis - International perspectives", International Enuresis Research Center, Aarhus, Denmark, October 22-23, 1993
Graziottin A.
Erectile deficits in the young. Functional and psychosexual aspects
5th International Meeting of Andrology, Rome, Italy, June 4-5,1993
Graziottin A.
Der stellenwert der Psychologie und Sexualtherapie beim impotenten Mann (Il ruolo della psicologia e della terapia sessuale nell'uomo impotente)
State of the art lecture
Andrologie Workshop der Oegu, Salzburg, Austria, January 29-30, 1993
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