National Courses

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Graziottin A.
Salute vulvare e sport (Vulvar health and sport)
Vulva Forum 2023, 6th edition, organized under the patronage of the Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women NPO, Napoli, Italy, May 24-25, 2023
Cuccarollo A. Graziottin A.
Dolore pelvico cronico e dolore vulvare: microbiota e comorbilità (Chronic pelvic pain and vulvar pain: microbiota and comorbidities)
Vulva Forum 2023, 6th edition, organized under the patronage of the Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women NPO, Napoli, Italy, May 24-25, 2023
Cuccarollo A. Graziottin A.
Età digitale, body image e look vulvare: il lato oscuro (Digital age, body image and vulvar look: the dark side)
Vulva Forum 2023, 6th edition, organized under the patronage of the Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women NPO, Napoli, Italy, May 24-25, 2023
Graziottin A.
Endometriosi, dolore e sessualità: gli effetti di pregiudizi, disinformazione e omissioni diagnostiche (Endometriosis, pain and sexuality: the effects of prejudices, misinformation and diagnostic neglect)
State of the art lecture
CME Course on "One, none, one hundred thousand endometriosis: diagnostic-therapeutic strategies between medicine, surgery, psyche and lifestyles", International School of Surgical Anatomy - ISSA School, Negrar (Verona), Italy, May 20, 2023
Graziottin A.
Ormoni bioidentici: impatto su salute, bellezza e sensualità (Bioidentical hormones: impact on health, beauty and sensuality)
Corso pratico "Hair&nail and anti-aging", Capri (Italy), May 5-6, 2023
Graziottin A.
Dopo la menopausa: la vita riconquistata con sani stili di vita e terapie su misura (After menopause: a life regained with healthy lifestyles and tailor-made therapies)
Webinar on "Menopause: a new period of life", Motus Animi FAD, April 29, 2023
Graziottin A.
Disfunzioni sessuali: il lato oscuro dell'ictus, nell'ombra del negletto clinico (Sexual dysfunctions: the stroke’s dark side in the shadow of clinical neglect)
Key-note lecture
Stroke 2023, 9th National Congress on Cerebral Stroke, Italian Stroke Association (ISA), Lecce, Italy, March, 30 - April 1, 2023
Graziottin A.
Endometriosi e comorbilità: la sfida della diagnosi precoce. Perle dalla Consensus Conference di Strasburgo 2022 (Endometriosis and comorbidities: the challenge of early diagnosis. Pearls from the 2022 Strasbourg Consensus Conference)
State of the art lecture
CME Meeting on "Pain in obstetrics and gynecology: strategies for early diagnosis and effective therapies", organized under the patronage of the Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women NPO, Livorno, Italy, March 3, 2023
Graziottin A.
Gravidanza e parto: il ruolo del padre. Una visione clinica (Pregnancy and childbirth: the role of the father. A clinical view)
CME Meeting on "Pain in obstetrics and gynecology: strategies for early diagnosis and effective therapies", organized under the patronage of the Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of pain in women NPO, Livorno, Italy, March 3, 2023
Graziottin A.
Cosa c’è dentro il dolore pelvico cronico: il ruolo del microbiota (What's inside chronic pelvic pain: the role of microbiota)
CME webinar on "The microbiota: the director of vulvo-vaginal health and its clinical implications", February 28, 2023
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