Commentaries for Physicians

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Graziottin A.
Vaginosi batterica in gravidanza: un rischio da valutare
GynecoNews - Sezione di "Menopausa e contraccezione: interazioni con il pianeta donna", SMM Scientific Multimedia, Milano, 1, 2010, pag. 12-16

Available documents:Full text of the article

Graziottin A.
Depression and menopause: why antidepressant are not enough
Abstract of the lecture presented at the 14th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology, organized by the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE), Firenze, Italy, March 4-7, 2010

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Graziottin A. Serafini A.
Il ruolo dello schema sessuale nella modulazione del vissuto psicosessuale delle donne trattate per cancro ginecologico (Sexual self schema as a moderator of sexual and psychological outcomes for gynecologic cancer survivors - Summary and comment)
"Science News" - Online reports on high impact scientific papers
Graziottin A.
Sessualità e disturbi mentali in un’ottica multidisciplinare - Fattori predisponenti, precipitanti e di mantenimento: il punto di vista del ginecologo
Abstract of the lecture presented at the XIV Congress of the Italian Society of Psychopathology (SOPSI), Roma, Italy, February 16-20, 2010

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Graziottin A. Serafini A.
L’impatto delle malattie reumatiche sulla funzione sessuale (The impact of rheumatic diseases on sexual function - Summary and comment)
"Science News" - Online reports on high impact scientific papers
Graziottin A.
Vaccino HPV: il punto a due anni dall’introduzione (HPV vaccine: two years after the launch)
Abstract of the CME Course for Pharmacists 2009 on "Gynaecology of childhood and adolescence", School of Pharmacy, University of Milano, Italy, Milano, September 21 and 26, November 4 and 9, 2009 – Cremona, September 29, 2009

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Graziottin A.
Le vaginiti ricorrenti nell’infanzia; la dismenorrea precoce; l’endometriosi; le irregolarità mestruali (Recurrent vaginitis in childhood; Early dysmenorrhoea; Endometriosis; Menstrual disorders)
Abstract of the CME Course for Pharmacists 2009 on "Gynaecology of childhood and adolescence", School of Pharmacy, University of Milano, Italy, Milano, September 21 and 26, November 4 and 9, 2009 – Cremona, September 29, 2009

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Graziottin A.
Dyspareunia and vaginismus: what the gynaecologist should not miss
Abstract of the plenary lecture presented at the XIX World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, organized by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), October 4-9, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Graziottin A.
Women’s sexuality after breast cancer
Abstract of the state of the art lecture presented at the XIX World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, organized by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), October 4-9, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Graziottin A.
Micosi in ginecologia: una sfida terapeutica - Commento
GynecoNews - Sezione di "Menopausa e contraccezione: interazioni con il pianeta donna", SMM Scientific Multimedia, Milano, 1, 2009, pag. 13-16

Available documents:Full text of the article

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