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Graziottin A.
Fisiopatologia e semeiologia della dispareunia e del vaginismo (Pathophysiology and semeiology of dyspareunia and vaginismus)
Abstract of the State of the art lecture given at the CME course on "Female sexual pain: from symptoms to diagnosis and therapy" - Co-directors: Prof.ssa Alessandra Graziottin and Dr. Filippo Murina - Organized by the "Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of women" and the Italian Association for Vulvodynia (AIV), Milano, Italy, March 12, 2010, Abstract book, p. 6-10

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Graziottin A.
Mastociti, infiammazione e comorbilità nel dolore sessuale femminile: il punto di vista del ginecologo (Mastcells, inflammation and comorbidities in female sexual pain: the gynaecologist's point of view)
CME course on "Female sexual pain: from symptoms to diagnosis and therapy" - Co-directors: Prof.ssa Alessandra Graziottin and Dr. Filippo Murina - Organized by the "Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of women" and the Italian Association for Vulvodynia (AIV), Milano, Italy, March 12, 2010, Abstract book, p. 20

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Giovannini N. Graziottin A.
Implicazioni ostetriche del dolore sessuale femminile: il punto di vista del sessuologo (Obstetrical implications of female sexual pain: the sexologist's point of view)
CME course on "Female sexual pain: from symptoms to diagnosis and therapy" - Co-directors: Prof.ssa Alessandra Graziottin and Dr. Filippo Murina - Organized by the "Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of women" and the Italian Association for Vulvodynia (AIV), Milano, Italy, March 12, 2010, Abstract book, p. 38-39

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Vercellini P. Graziottin A.
Endometriosi e dispareunia: diagnosi e terapia (Endometriosis and dyspareunia: diagnosis and treatment)
CME course on "Female sexual pain: from symptoms to diagnosis and therapy" - Co-directors: Prof.ssa Alessandra Graziottin and Dr. Filippo Murina - Organized by the "Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of women" and the Italian Association for Vulvodynia (AIV), Milano, Italy, March 12, 2010, Abstract book, p. 44

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Graziottin A.
Vulvodinia, dispareunia e contraccezione ormonale: innocente? (Vulvodynia, dyspareunia and hormonal contraception: innocent?)
CME course on "Female sexual pain: from symptoms to diagnosis and therapy" - Co-directors: Prof.ssa Alessandra Graziottin and Dr. Filippo Murina - Organized by the "Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of women" and the Italian Association for Vulvodynia (AIV), Milano, Italy, March 12, 2010, Abstract book, p. 50

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Graziottin A. Murina F.
La vulvodinia: il dilemma del dolore "senza cause apparenti" - Eziopatogenesi e semeiologia (Vulvodynia: the dilemma of pain "with no apparent causes" - Aetiopathogenesis and medical semeiology)
CME course on "Female sexual pain: from symptoms to diagnosis and therapy" - Co-directors: Prof.ssa Alessandra Graziottin and Dr. Filippo Murina - Organized by the "Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of women" and the Italian Association for Vulvodynia (AIV), Milano, Italy, March 12, 2010, Abstract book, p. 54-55

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Murina F. Graziottin A.
La vulvodinia: il dilemma del dolore "senza cause apparenti" - Strategie terapeutiche (Vulvodynia: the dilemma of pain "with no apparent causes" - Therapautic strategies)
CME course on "Female sexual pain: from symptoms to diagnosis and therapy" - Co-directors: Prof.ssa Alessandra Graziottin and Dr. Filippo Murina - Organized by the "Alessandra Graziottin Foundation for the cure and care of women" and the Italian Association for Vulvodynia (AIV), Milano, Italy, March 12, 2010, Abstract book, p. 60-61

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Graziottin A.
Out of the shadow: how to manage the couple with premature ejaculation
12th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM), Lyon, France, November 15-18, 2009, Satellite Symposium on "Premature ejaculation: from basic science to clinical practice, Abstract Book, p. 10
Graziottin A.
Affettività e sessualità femminile: vulnerabilità biologiche nell’arco della vita (Female sexuality and intimacy: biological vulnerabilities in the life span)
Abstract of the State of the art lecture given at the Meeting on "Anxiety, depression and sexuality: from psychopathology to therapy", organized by the ULSS 8 Veneto, the Venetian Section of the Italian Society of Psychiatry (SIP) and the Italian Society of Sexology and Sexual Psychopathology (SISPSE), Castelfranco Veneto (Treviso), Italy, June 19, 2009

Available documents:Full text of the abstract

Graziottin A.
Applicability of Estetrol for HRT
2009 Congress of the European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS), London, UK, May 16-20, 2009, Meet-the-Expert Session on “Medical applications of Estetrol”, Abstract book, p. 10-11
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