Lectures: All

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Graziottin A.
Sex and the gynaecologist
Plenary lecture
Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynecology (RCOG) 5th International Meeting - RANZCOG 4th Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney, Australia, October 1-4, 2002
Graziottin A.
Dyspareunia: from anecdotes to evidence based medicine
State of the art lecture
10th World Congress of the International Society for Sexual and Impotence Research, Montreal, Canada, September 22-26, 2002
Graziottin A.
Dermatological health of pre and menopausal women
International congress on Cosmetic Dermatology, Trieste, Italy, August 31- September 3, 2002
Graziottin A.
Terapia medica e sessualità
VII Convegno nazionale dell'Osservatorio nazionale sull'identità di genere ONIG, Trieste, 4-5 luglio 2002
Graziottin A.
Female Sexual Function and Dysfunction
2nd Mediterranean Congress of Sexual Dysfunction, Amman, Jordan, June 26-28, 2002
Graziottin A.
Sex and Internet - Love, Intimacy and Sex on the Web
State of the art lecture
2nd Mediterranean Congress of Sexual Dysfunction, Amman, Jordan, June 26-28, 2002
Graziottin A.
Therapy of Dyspareunia: From Pain to Pleasure
2nd Mediterranean Congress of Sexual Dysfunction, Amman, Jordan, June 26-28, 2002
Graziottin A.
Female Sexual Functioning
6th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology, Moderatore e Membro dell'International Scientific Committee
on Medical Approach to Female Sexual Disorders (FSD), Cyprus, June 16-20, 2002
Graziottin A.
Love, Intimacy and Sex on the Web
6th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology, Cyprus, June 16-20, 2002
Graziottin A.
Sexuality After Breast Cancer
6th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology, Cyprus, June 16-20, 2002
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