Refereed Publications

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Vincenti E. Tambuscio B. Marchesoni D. Graziottin A. Di Lenardo L. Chiaranda M.
Use of intramyometrial injection of Prostaglandin F2 alfa in the management of intractable hemorrhage due to uterine atony
Clin. Exper. Obst. Gyn. IX, 1: 26-30, 1982
Onnis A. Graziottin A.
Epidemiology of nipple discharge
Clin. Exp. Obst. Gyn. IX, 1: 16-21, 1982
Onnis A. Graziottin A. Velasco M. Marchetti M.
Introduction to chemotherapy and antineoplastic pharmacology in breast cancer
Eur. J. Gynaec. Oncol. III, 1: 14-23, 1982
Vincenti E. Cervellin A. Mega M. Tambuscio B. De Salvia D. Graziottin A. Castagnoli B. Mozzanega B. Marchesoni D.
Comparative study between patients treated with transcutaneous electric stimulation and controls during labour
Clin. Exp. Obst. Gyn. IX, 2: 95-97, 1982
Graziottin A. Velasco M. Onnis GL. Generali S.
Intraductal papilloma of the breast in a 14 year old girl
Eur. J. Gynaec. Oncol. III, 2: 115-118, 1982
Onnis A. Graziottin A. Velasco M. Marchetti M.
Introduction to chemotherapy and antineoplastic pharmacology in breast cancer
Clin. Exp. Obstet. Gynecol., 9 (3): 176-185, 1982
Velasco M. Graziottin A.
Proposal of diagnostic approach in mammary pathology
Eur. J. Gynaec. Oncol., II: 2, 60-63, 1981
Gangemi M. Velasco M. Graziottin A. Licori D. Marchesoni D.
Bromoergocriptin therapy in eumenorrhoic patients presenting galactorrhea
Clin. Exp. Obst. Gyn., VIII, 2: 79-82, 1981
Onnis A. Marchetti M. Graziottin A. Velasco M.
Oral contraceptives and breast disease
Eur. J. Gynaec. Oncol., II, 3: 105-107, 1981
Marchesoni D. Gangemi M. Mozzanega B. Paternoster D. Graziottin A. Maggino T.
Inadequate luteal phase and benign breast disease
Clin. Exp. Obst. Gyn., VIII, 4 : 160-163, 1981
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